One player must press Y/Triangle to act as a conductor of electricity between the cut wires while the other player presses the button to the right of those wires to actually begin the electrical current. You’ll see some electrical wires that are cut and a button to press. With both players in this room, look to the right side ( right side of the hose if you’re looking away from the fan). The player that passes through must then move the vacuum hose blowing the fan away from the fan so that the player left behind can pass through the fan that’s no longer moving. Once here, one player will need to hold the door on the left (on the right side beside the fan) so that the other player can pass through safely. Ride the air through these funnels until you reach a yellow platform. When it launches you both into the air, aim for the next air funnel. They’ll ride the air up to the second red button. Once it’s aimed, have the player that has already ground-pounded the first red button jump down and get in the vacuum. They must aim this hose at the platform with the other red button by this hose. Ground pound the button and then have the player already on top of a hose move to the other end. The other player must jump into the vacuum hose on the close side and ride the air up to the red button. One player needs to control the far end and aim it up at the red button. This vacuum hose has two controllable ends. Go around the corner and jump onto the moving, circular platform when it’s close. After this, go into the vacuum hose and traverse over the blocks in water. That’s how the player that rode the hose like a bronco gets up to the platform. That player on the platform will then need to ground pound the red button up here to reverse the air flow of the vertical air nearby. Meanwhile, the other player needs to jump into the hose and hopefully, they’ll be sucked up and shot out at the platform up above. Here, one of you will need to get on the end of the vacuum and ride it kind of like a bucking bronco - try to aim the end at the platform up above. The other needs to jump on top of the cylinder. One player needs to step into the rolling cylinder and roll it to the plug. Do this once more and you’ll reach where we are below. Jump off when it rotates to the side opposite of where you first jumped onto it.Īfter this, you’ll need to jump forward, do a double jump, and press X/Square to dash mid-air to reach the other side. Jump and hold A on the striped side when it’s facing you and continue holding A until it rotates to the other side. Ride it up to the platform on the right where the plug is. You and Player 2 will need to ground pound on them at the same time.Īfter this, jump onto the rotating gear and press A/X on it. Sprint across the area until you reach two red buttons. On the other side, you’ll learn to sprint by pressing LS/元. Follow the plug forward through the tunnel by holding B/Circle to crouch through it. Both you and Player 2 need to jump up and pull down the door in front of you. You’ll need to jump from the saw and jump again in mid-air to land on the toolbox hanging across from it. Go to this wall and jump back and forth by pressing A/X off of each wall to reach the top. The plug runs away again and scurries up a wall. While in the air, press B/Circle to perform a ground pound, which breaks the glass. It’ll run away and a glass jar will eventually fall onto it. It’s up high - go back to where the other plugs were and climb up. You and your Player 2 must grab these by pressing Y and plug them into the generator. There are two plugs to the left of the generator. On the left of it is a lever - both players must jump up and press Y/Triangle. When you’re ready to move forward, walk down the small ledge and you’ll see what appears to be a generator.
#It takes two friend pass free#
When you’re finally in control of your character, feel free to explore the area and get a feel for the controls. Starting Controls to Know: Dash = X/Square, Jump = A/X, Crouch = Y/Triangle

This begins Chapter One: Fix Your Relationship. He’s here to fix Cody and May’s relationship. She runs upstairs to play with her Cody and May dolls and so our journey begins.Īfter Cody and May wake up as Rose’s dolls, you’ll meet Dr. At this point, she pulls up two makeshift playdolls - this is where Player 1 and Player 2 must decide who they wish to play as: Cody and May.Īnother cutscene plays out and you witness Cody and May explain to Rose at dinner that they’re getting a divorce.

They’re planning to tell their daughter, Rose, but she already knows. It turns out, things aren’t going well for this couple and the two are getting divorced. When the game begins, you’ll be introduced to the game’s main characters by way of a short discussion. Please click or tap the links below to jump to different sections: